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Digital Printables

The following printables were created using acrylic paint, alcohol inks and distress oxide sprays on a gelli plate. Each pack consists of 10 pages and are available as a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ONLY. Each pack is $5.00 and comes in 300 ppi resolution pdf and tiff file formats, which were scanned and edited and they are resizable up to size A4. Jpg file formats were taken with a camera and edited and can be printed at 300 ppi up to size A4  on any type of paper, acetate, metal, etc. Larger size files are available for an additional cost. Please contact directly if desired.


Mountain Sunrise

These gelli plate prints were printed on dictionary pages. On some pages, the words can be seen and some they cannot. Some pages have a leaf or mandala images on them. 

Close up of a page

Close up of a page

Winter Skies

These gelli plate prints were printed on dictionary pages. On some pages, the words can be seen and some they cannot. Some pages have mandala images on them. 

Close up of a page

Close up of a page

Mediterranean Bath

These gelli plate prints were printed on white and cream coloured card stock.  Some pages have mandala prints on them. 

Burnt Carnival

These gelli plate prints were printed on white copy paper.  Some pages have mandala prints on them. 

Close up of a page

Close up of a page

Close up of a page

Close up of a page

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West Asheville, NC (Occupies the land of the Eastern Band of Cherokee peoples.)

Daytona Beach, FL (Occupies the land of the Miccosukee, Seminole, and Timucua peoples.)

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